









Sekilas Tentang PSIKOLOGI


On April 7, 1999, the Director-General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture has officially signed the opening of a Psychology Program Study by Decree No. 116/DIKTI/Kep/1999 about the Establishment of Psychology Program Study at the University of North Sumatra (USU). Meanwhile, before reaching the status of a faculty, this program study was coordinated under the USU Medicine Faculty.

In the academic year of 1999/2000, the Psychology Program Study started accepting students for undergraduate programs through the UMPTN selection. And then, in the next coming year, the admissions run every year through a regular admission program through UMPTN/SPMB system or the PMP system as well. The number of credits for the Psychology undergraduate program consists of 132 credits of compulsory courses and the minimum of subject choice is 12 credits.

There were 12 first-graduates in 2003.

The Chronology of USU Psychology Program Study Development  

October 31, 1998

The Proposal Submission for the Opening of a Psychology Program Study at the University of North Sumatra to Director-General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture.

February 3, 1999

The submission of the Opening Proposal for USU Psychology Program Study to Prof. Dr. Masrun, the Chief of

Psychology Consortium.

February 25, 1999

The Visitation of the Consortium Head to USU and the  Psychology Program study is being recommended to be opened.

7 April 1999

Decree No. 116/DIKTI/Kep/1999 about the Establishment of USU Psychology Program Study.

April 19, 1999

USU Chancellor's Decree No. 588/JO5/SK/KP/1999 regarding the formation of the Psychology Program Study Preparatory Team under USU Medicine Faculty management.

30 April 1999 - 1 May 1999

The curriculum draft preparation by the USU Medicine Faculty that being assisted by Ms Hera L Mikarsa, PhD, Head of the Psychology Faculty of the University of Indonesia (UI) and Ms Bernadette N Setiadi, PhD, Expert Staff of the Institute of Applied Psychology Faculty of the University of Indonesia (UI).

14-19 June 1999

The PEKERTI Training (Basic Skills Development Program for Instructional Techniques) for Psychology Program Study lecturers.

June 30, 1999: Workshop promotion and socialization of Psychology Program Study for the university leaders, faculties, institutions and technical implementing units within the University of North Sumatra and the psychology professional community.


August 12, 1999

The University of North Sumatra Chancellor's Decree regarding the Appointment of Psychology Program Study Manager.

The academic year of 1999/2000

The first student admission of Psychology Program Study through UMPTN.


12 September 2002

The signing of the cooperation agreement between the University of Indonesia-University of North Sumatra regarding the opening of the Profession Psychology Master Program in the University of North Sumatra in 2004. Signed by the Dean of the University of Indonesia Psychology Faculty, Prof. Dr H. Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono, and the Dean of the University of North Sumatra Medical Faculty, Prof. dr. Sutomo Kasiman, Sp.PD (k).

The academic year of 2003/2004

The first graduate of the Psychology Program Study under Medicine Faculty of the University of North Sumatra (Undergraduate degree)

September 28, 2004

The signing of MOU PP HIMPSI with USU regarding the Implementation Master Program Psychology Education (P4JM) in the University of North Sumatra.

January 28, 2005

The Accreditation Certificate Number: 07088/Ak-VIII-S1-001/USUCZI/I/2005 from the Accreditation Board Psychology Program Study of the University of North Sumatra Medicine Faculty with a good rating.

July 22, 2005

The Establishment Permit Certification for P4JM from the Indonesia Psychological Association (HIMPSI)

December 20, 2005

The permit to Implementation Master Program Psychology Education from DIKTI.

26 August 2006

USU P4JM inauguration. The extension of cooperation between the Implementation Master Program Psychology Education (P4JM) - Faculty of Psychology UI until 2009. Signed by the Dean of the UI Psychology Faculty, Dra. Yati Utoyo Lubis, PhD.

No. Nama Praktikum/Praktek Isi Praktikum/Praktek



Judul/Modul Jam Pelaksanaan
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. Psikodiagnostik II: Observasi Setting Simulasi, Setting Alamiah, Setting Film

3 Pertemuan

(18 jam)

Di dalam kelas dan

di luar kelas

2. Psikodiagnostik III: Wawancara Penugasan Probing Interview, Analisa Teknik Wawancara

2 Pertemuan

(12 jam)

Di dalam kelas dan

di luar di kelas

3. Psikologi Eksperimen

-  Persepsi Kedalaman,

-  Ilusi (Muller Lyer, Pogendorf).

-  Waktu Reaksi.

-  Transfer of Learning

-  Problem Solving.

-  Threshold

6 pertemuan

(36 jam)

Laboratorium Fakultas

Psikologi USU

4. Intervensi Psikologi Sosial  

7 pertemuan

(42 jam)

Masyarakat Kota Medan
5. Inventori Kepribadian

-   Praktik EPPS

-   Praktik 16PF

-   Praktik PAPI-Kostik

-   Praktik SSCT

-   Praktik Big Five

-   Praktik MMPI

-   Praktik LoC

7 pertemuan

(28 jam)

Di dalam kelas
6. Konseling Panduan Pelaksanaan Praktikum Konseling

5 Pertemuan

(30 jam)

Di dalam kelas
7. Analisis Jabatan Deskripsi   Jabatan dan Spesifikasi Jabatan

8 pertemuan

(32 jam)

Perusahaan di Kota Medan
8. Psikologi Komunitas  

5 pertemuan

(20 jam)

Masyarakat Kota Medan



Become the Psychology Faculty with academic excellence based on local wisdom and agro-industry that can compete in the global world stage.

  1. Arrange the psychological education as a forum for character development and professionalism of human resources based on scientific, moral, and conscience studies;
  2. Build the psychological scientists and psychologists who are capable of becoming the agents of change in empowering local wisdom and developing agro-industry based on religious morals, culture, psychological code of ethics, and having competitiveness at the national and international levels;
  3. Perform education, research, and community service in the psychology field aiming for improving academic quality that is beneficial for improving people's lives.